Extended Hours Provision

Breakfast Club

Breakfast Club opens at 8.00am.

Children enjoy a healthy breakfast, followed by a range of activities.

Places can be booked via our booking platform, Magic Booking https://mossbourne.magicbooking.co.uk

Afterschool Club

Afterschool Club runs from 3.30pm and closes at 5.45pm.

Children in After School Club receive a light snack and take part in a series of activities.

Places can be booked via our booking platform, Magic Booking https://mossbourne.magicbooking.co.uk

Enrichment Clubs

Enrichment Clubs run from 3.30pm and close at 4.55pm daily.

The activities are designed to enrich our children’s breadth of experience and ensure that learning is challenging, exciting and fun. The activities support children by helping them to increase their self-esteem and self-confidence. Additionally, they develop personal qualities, such as respect, independence and the ability to work as a team player.

Enrichment Clubs cost £30 for the term, and are reallocated every term. Places can be booked via our booking platform, Magic Booking https://mossbourne.magicbooking.co.uk

Costs for Breakfast and Afterschool Club

Breakfast Club Costs:

£2.50 per child, per day

£1.00 per pupil premium child, per day

£2.25 per sibling, per day

Afterschool Club Costs:

£8.00 per child, per day

£5.00 per pupil premium child, per day

£6.00 per sibling, per day

Costs for Breakfast and Afterschool Club are due the first week of every half term.